Russell Investments
Russell Investments Group LLC
1301 2nd Avenue, Floor 18, US-998101 Seattle
Telephone +44 20 7024 6000
About the company
Russell Investments is a leading outsourced CIO (OCIO) partner and global investment solutions firm providing a wide range of investment capabilities to institutional investors, financial intermediaries, and individual investors around the world. Building on an 88-year legacy of continuous innovation to deliver exceptional value to clients, Russell Investments works every day to improve the financial security of its clients. The firm is the world’s sixth-largest outsourcing manager (according to P&I as of 3/31/2024), with $932b in assets under advisement (as of 6/30/2024) and $327.5 billion in assets under management (as of 9/30/2024) for clients in 30 countries. Headquartered in Seattle, Washington, Russell Investments has offices in 16 cities around the world, including London, New York, Toronto, Sydney, Tokyo, and Shanghai.