BB Jobportal

BB Jobportal

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Special opportunities on the specialized job platform for the financial sector and the asset management industry.

The BB Jobportal is a collaboration between Barbara Bertolini and – focused, professional, and personal. Our customers can rely on two well-established brands that consistently raise the bar in the financial industry and investor community as well as in the occupational pension sector and have stood for innovation and reliability for decades. As an owner-managed company, the satisfaction of our partners and the entire industry is important to us. We therefore not only ensure special encounters between the right people, but also actively help shape the future - by thinking about tomorrow together with you today!

You too can benefit from almost 50,000 B2B users from the financial sector and over 9,500 newsletter subscribers from the asset management industry who will find out about your advertised vacancy!

Barbara Bertolini

For 25 years, Barbara Bertolini has dedicated herself with enthusiasm, personal commitment and dedication to two more than relevant topics: institutional pension schemes and asset management. This may not sound very captivating to some people. But that is precisely Barbara Bertolini's strength: professionally presenting complex topics with relevant content and charging them with emotion; with specialist knowledge, wit and a flair for bringing the right people together - without losing sight of the big picture. Anyone who has ever been a guest at one of her events knows about this art. It is definitely unique in the industry.

The job portal is of course the logical next step, bringing her network and contacts even closer together.

For more than 20 years, has supported thousands of professional investors as a leading B2B platform with news, research, online and offline specialist conferences on all aspects of fund selection and institutional investment.

In addition to ongoing reporting by the editorial team and peer group analyses by the in-house research department, the Vienna-based Fin-& MediaTech company offers investors from Germany, Austria and Switzerland exclusive & customized access to the latest (multi-media) market insights from thousands of investment experts from asset management companies around the world and from a wide range of asset classes with its proprietary NewsCenter service.

In addition, also functions as the most efficient communication platform in the entire fund industry: with just one click, registered investors can ask questions to asset managers, request documents and arrange online and offline appointments. To summarize: Digital matchmaking at it's best.

Curious? We look forward to engaging with you.

Linked with the Leaders.

For over 25 years, our events and publications have allowed us to be part of something greater:

  • Competent

    A very successful event in a pleasant atmosphere with competent speakers and interesting and relaxed participants.

    Wilfried Baum

    Wilfried Baum

    Head of Portfolio Management

    Deutsche Bundesbank

    Frankfurt am Main

  • Heart and soul

    I will always remember the dignified pick-up, the evening before on the roof opposite St Stephen's Cathedral and the ambience in the lecture theatre. An event with a lot of heart and soul!

    Prof. Dr. Axel Börsch-Supan

    Prof. Dr. Axel Börsch-Supan


    Member of the Pension Commission of the German Federal Government

    Berlin und München

  • Ultra dreamlike super

    Barbara Bertolini's conferences are ultra dreamy super and I always enjoy them!

    Mag. Günther Schiendl

    Mag. Günther Schiendl


    VBV-Pensionskasse AG


  • bAV-Salon

    Today, too little time is taken for dialogue and networking. But if the right people invite people, offer a sensational setting and put their heart and soul into hosting, then something like a ‘bAV-Salon’ is created. Many thanks to Barbara Bertolini for her commitment to this important topic.

    Klaus Stiefermann

    Klaus Stiefermann

    Managing Director

    aba-Arbeitsgemeinschaft für betriebliche Altersvorsorge


  • Support and interaction

    Thank you for the wonderful organisation, support and the very cordial interaction & contact. Continued success and see you soon!

    Prof. Marcel Fratzscher, Ph.D.

    Prof. Marcel Fratzscher, Ph.D.

    President and Board of Directors

    Deutsches Institut für Wirtschaftsforschung


  • Personal, professional and innovative

    Barbara Bertolini is simply the best! I know of no other organiser who is so personal, warm-hearted and friendly to her participants and at the same time organises her conferences in such an incredibly professional and innovative way.

    Monica Maeder

    Monica Maeder

    Managing Director

    Swiss Re Pensionskasse


How Does it Work?

No magic involved! Thanks to great ideas and well-thought-out features:


Experts from your industry start their day with the newsletter – and regularly with your company's latest job postings.

Detailed Analyses

Well-designed features help you stay on top of your job postings and incoming applications at all times.

User-Friendly Operation

After selecting a suitable package for you, you can prepare the ads yourself. Frequently asked questions and answers will assist you – and in case of any issues, our service angels are happy to help.

Your Competitors are Already Here.

Some think patience is a virtue.
We say: Swift action wins!

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