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![Scope Group Logo](https://bb-jobportal.com/media/pages/employers/score-group/16ddabca2a-1731430444/scopegroup_logo.jpeg)
Scope Group
Über das Unternehmen
Scope Group is the leading European provider of credit ratings, fund analysis, ESG assessment and bespoke solutions for evaluating and monitoring risk. Scope provides an essential alternative perspective, contributing to greater diversity of credit and risk opinions for issuers and institutional investors.
Scope Group’s analyst teams are based in Berlin, Frankfurt, London, Milan, Madrid, Oslo and Paris.
Scope Ratings is the only European credit assessment institution accepted in the Eurosystem Credit Assessment Framework (ECAF) for collateral used in euro area monetary policy. Scope’s credit ratings can be used to fulfil credit quality requirements of marketable assets that are eligible as collateral in Eurosystem monetary policy operations. Scope Ratings was accepted by Norges Bank in Norway in 2022.
Scope Ratings is registered in accordance with EU rating regulations and operates in the European Union with ECAI status. Scope is also registered with the Swiss authority FINMA.
As the leading European credit rating agency, Scope Ratings offers clients opinion-driven, forward-looking and non-mechanistic credit risk analysis and contributes to. Founded in 2012, Scope Ratings differs from other agencies and their traditional one-size-fits-all, top-down methodologies with its European perspective, recognising the importance of national and regional differences in laws, regulations, political processes and business culture across countries in it methodologies and credit assessments. ESG factors are embedded in its analysis of sovereign and public sector issuers.
Scope Ratings plans to gradually expand its business model worldwide. The group will apply for Nationally Recognized Statistical Rating Organization (NRSRO) status in the United States.
Scope Fund Analysis is a leader in Europe for the analysis and rating of mutual funds, alternative investment funds, asset management companies and certificate issuers.